
Sunday 15 May 2011


For the past few weeks I've been suffering from a nasty case of TMA. Like many tropical diseases, it can lie undetected for sometime, festering away, until diagnosed by a friend. Symptoms include a general sense of lethargy, lack of inspiration (notice how this is the first time I have blogged in about a fortnight) and serious cravings for shops and good customer service.

TMA, short for Too Much Africa, and more specifically TMK (Too Much Kampala) is an insidious little infection but luckily there is simple and effective cure:
leave Kampala as soon as possible and take a large dose of Jinja.

This weekend I recuperated from TMK at The Haven in Jinja, whilst celebrating a friend's birthday. Specific treatments included gazing at a beautiful view, good company and conversation. Activities were lighthearted and leisurely such as Scrabble and Petanque on the lawn. Most importantly, it is important to keep hydrated on such occasions with liberal doses of white wine or gin and tonic.

I am feeling invigorated and feel I have the energy to make it through the next few weeks until the holidays.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

So happy the TMA symptoms have abated somewhat. I knew you'd feel better leaving the city. Now just a few long weeks and it will all be better.