Spier winery has a cheetah sanctuary where you can get up close and personal with the big cats. They're pretty docile most of the time ... although putting our lives in the hands of the spaced out gap year volunteer was probably the most worrying aspect. She had serious issues actually remembering what we should do when we went into the enclosure! These cheetahs were the runts of litters and never would have survived in the wild ... and they probably never will after being so mollycoddled!
Dad broke the habits of a lifetime and made a canine friend. Who would ever have thought that it would be a big slobbery Doberman? He still had issues with the sausage dog though!
Mum went ostrich mad over all the products. She wanted to spend 800 quid on an ostrich handbag, but in quite possibly THE quote of the holiday, she declared:
"It's not really worth buying one at my age as I wouldn't get the value for money. If I was your age I would definitely buy one!"
Errr right - do you have any plans of popping your clogs in the next while mother? Funnily enough, if I only had a short while to live I would max out every single credit card! Not so keen on the ostrich handbags though ...
Feeding the elephants at Knysna Elephant Park was much less tiring on the bum muscles than a 4 hour game drive over bumpy ground, but also not quite as magical. Still cute though!

It was so hot on the beach in Simonstown that I'm surprised these penguins hadn't turned pink and black! They waddled up to us without a care in the world - and best of all we sneaked onto the beach for free!
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