
Sunday, 29 April 2012

An amazing April!

It's almost the end of April ... did I blink? It seems to have flown by, with barely a chance to catch up with myself and share all the lovely things I have been doing. It's been a month of last chances to enjoy everything East Africa has to offer: visitors from near and far; a fabulous safari in the Masai Mara; a return to a favourite spot on the Kenyan coast; a great birthday night out and a school trip to Zanzibar!

If my feet ever have the chance to touch the ground, then I'll share a few stories. For now, here are a few photos from the trip to Kenya ...

My first sighting of a cheetah in the wild

Although I loved viewing the abundance of wildlife, I was reminded that safari in Uganda is very special and tranquil. So many cars crowding around a pride of lions ...

Alpha male!

Gorgeous elephants!

I love Watamu, rain or shine!


Shopping for a last pair of beaded flip-flops

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