
Saturday, 24 March 2012

Things you can only say in Uganda …

As I approach my final departure from Uganda, I am starting to think about some of the things that would seem completely ridiculous to an outsider, but are quite normal here. I have to admit that I stole the idea for this post from a friend after a post-work beer (shocking news, I know).

  1. Has anybody seen the hot nut man today? For the record, I was looking for the man who sells hot nuts, rather than a hot man who sells nuts!
  2. That cockroach gel is my new best friend!
  3. Has anybody got the phone number so we can find out when the power’s coming back?
  4. Can I have a refund on that fake DVD? You told me it was a whole series, but it only had 7 episodes!
  5. Has anybody actually seen a physical copy of the Ugandan Highway Code?
  6. I’m really skint – I’m down to my last ten thousand!
  7. Can you find me a good mango for today and an avocado for tomorrow!
  8. Do you think it’s OK to eat food from a microwave that has live cockroaches trapped between the glass in the door?
  9. Wow – look at the new bus stops! (without a hint of sarcasm)
  10. Brrr it’s cold … when the clouds form and it drops to about 25 degrees!

1 comment:

Racquel said...

Love it Ali!...and I've only been here 7 months!