
Thursday, 16 June 2011

Boosting the UK ecomomy

I saw a report in the paper today that retail sales in the UK had plummeted in the month of May. Well fear no more. Soon, myself, as well as several other retail deprived colleagues will be heading back to Blighty on a mission to reverse the trend and boost high street spending.

I plan to spread my wealth (!?!) far and wide, as I visit friends across the country, spending in every sector of the high street. The list of 'must haves' seems to get bigger and bigger, the closer I get towards coming home. It started out as quite a modest list of new trainers, some new sports kit and a couple of pairs of sandals. Now I am looked at my sad and unfluffy towels and thinking they are ready to be ditched. My face powder is reaching an end and my mascara is getting cloggy, and I am sure I won't be able to resist throwing in the odd lip gloss or nail varnish. Every time I have to get dressed, I stare at the same old selection of worn clothes, many with the tell tale holes created from too much handwashing. I am sick of nearly all my clothes and am longing to go shopping.

Not long now - I will be home a week on Saturday - woo hoo!

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