
Friday, 5 November 2010

A short lesson in economics and social studies ...

"How do we recognise a developing country?" I asked  my class of children from Germany, Ireland, Nigeria, India, South Africa, Sudan, USA, Israel, Tanzania and the Democratic Republic of Congo and other countries. Should we look at the GDP, the life expectancy, health care or access to education? Not according to them! Here are a few snapshots of their thoughts on the subject:

People drive pajeros not ferraris!
 I can just imagine an aid worker watching this one!
"Oh dear, pajero sales are up 20% in Rwanda ... looks like we'd better send in some extra bags of rice this month!"

'There are many corrupt police in developing countries!'

'Not so many bribes in developed countries'

I imagine a few of the kids have seen their parents getting pulled over by the police during their time in Uganda. I wonder whether they think that the police stop more shiny Land Cruisers than beat up Corrolas?

Yes they do have TVs in the village - just that they aren't big new flat screens!

Our kids are experts on living with power cuts

And this is apparently a Boda motorbike taxi - they forgot to add the family of 6 riding it!
Meanwhile, the developed world looks something like this:

I don't think they are so far off the mark! 

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Love! They are spot on! Especially lie the Ferrari vs Pajero comparison. That would go well in on the back page of the Economist!