
Wednesday, 22 September 2010

It's all go here ...

As usual it's all go in K-Town and I'm having a rare lazy evening in at home, vegetating infront of Glee (it's going to finish soon and I am in need of a new obsession - any suggestions?).
On Sunday I'm joining a team for the triathlon. I've guaranteed  myself no repeats of the near drowning panic attack incident last time and have only signed up for the bike ride. I'm a little concerned as I haven't even covered the full distance yet, but my team mates assure me that they are not feeling competetive ... I hope that really is the case as I am no Lance Armstrong at the moment! Anyway, a few of us are heading out to Entebbe the night before and I am considering the whole thing a social occasion with a 30 km bike ride thrown in for the hell of it.
I am barely going to have time to recover from this before I head off on the Outdoor Education trip. This time we are heading for the beautiful bilharzia-free (it's a selling point here) waters of Lake Nabugabu for two nights. The kids assure me that they are now all experts at the art of putting up tents and I intend to test them out and put mine up for me too!
This half term has to be one of the longest on record - so naturally my thoughts have turned to holidays. At the moment I am battling with my conscience as to whether I should stay in the posh lodge in Kidepo National Park or in the cheap and cheerful bandas. I'm told that staying in Opoka is a 'once in a lifetime experience' but after having 'once in a lifetime experiences' for the past four years my bank balance is suffering from serious malnutrition. The other big news is that my parents have just booked flights out to South Africa for Christmas and I'm doing a very good impression of a travel agent - infact I think I could have an alternative career in the making there! We have booked some awesome places just by the beaches in Cape Town and looking to stay in the winelands for New Years - hic!
So I as my head nearly falls on the keyboard from total exhaustion I will repeat the mantra 'holidays are coming, holidays are coming' ...

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