
Thursday, 26 August 2010

Inner Poise, Zen and you gotta be kidding - I can't do that!

If we have such a thing as muscle memory, then I think I must be suffering from muscle amnesia. Last night marked my return to yoga after a gap of several months. At the start of the class, our lovely serene teacher encouraged us to empty our minds and focus on the present moment. It's easier said than done though. My mind was instantly filled with the following thoughts:
1) What shall I have for tea? Tuna pasta?
2) Whatever did happen to that important teacher booklet that has gone AWOL? Who was the last person to use it?
3) How is it possible to balance 90% of your body weight on your elbows?
4) Would it be easier if I was like the skinny size 8 girl next to me?
5)Shall I go for a bike ride or a swim tomorrow?
6) When will I have time to get my oven installed?
7) I like the top the girl is wearing in front of me
8) Oh I can't have tuna pasta - I don't have any sweetcorn in

So not really the profound, earth shattering realisations that are supposed to come to light after meditation and self-reflection. More like a constant barrage of nonsense.
I have to accept that it will take some time to get back to the point I was at a few months back. All the same, it can seem pretty tough when the person infront is demonstrating a perfect 'Table Top' whilst I am wobbling and toppling over just trying to stand on one leg! Inspite of all this, I am determined to keep going. More than anything, I love the language of the yoga. It is enticing to be told that humans are the rainbow between heaven and earth and to touch our hands to our heart space. Our teacher is an inspiration and has the ability to fill us with confidence and a warm feeling inside. She doesn't care whether I can contort my legs into the perfect postures. Instead, she sees our progress and understands that we are all built differently and some are more flexible and supple than others. What could be better, on a Wednesday evening, than to spend an uninterrupted hour, dedicated to yourself, aided by a comforting neck massage?
I endeavour to brave the bumpy roads and make the epic journey across town at least once a week.


Robyn said...

So funny and so ME!Namaste!

Anonymous said...

Very funny. I need to go back you have reminded me how sweet it feels.