Here are a few photos from this weekend in Oxford, celebrating Alex's birthday!
Even the graffiti is charming and and polite in Oxford!
Now I look at the photo, I can see where I went wrong on the punting - the pole is meant to be vertical not horizontal. Luckily we had some punting experts. And the sport of duck catching was also invented!
Lots of lovely long walks in the sunshine by the rivers and canal.
A morning jog along Port Meadow to Inspector Morse's old watering hole.
Look - we ate healthy fruit salad ALL weekend. Not a drop of bubbly or wine passed our lips and I don't know who has been starting rumours about strawberries and clotted cream, cakes, jam and clotted cream, cheese selections or Thai food!
Great commentary overheard by Christ Church College:
" .... and there are four Houses in Hogwarts - Hufflepuff, Ravenclaw, Gryffindor and Slytherin." Always good to see people interested in a bit of English history and culture, isn't it!